Test Equipment

Olympus Alloy Analyzer

Olympus Alloy Analyzer

KURABO Infrared Film Thickness Gauge

KURABO Infrared Film Thickness Gauge

ERICHSEN Scratch Tester

ERICHSEN Scratch Tester

Manual shears

Manual shears

Sartorius pure water meter

Sartorius pure water meter

Q-Lab UV Aging Chamber

Q-Lab UV Aging Chamber

Electric blast drying oven

Electric blast drying oven

Q-FOG salt spray test chamber

Q-FOG salt spray test chamber

pop-up oven

pop-up oven

High and low temperature (humid heat) test chamber

High and low temperature (humid heat) test chamber

Electric constant temperature water bath

Electric constant temperature water bath

METTLER TOLEDO Analytical Balance

METTLER TOLEDO Analytical Balance

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